Our Projects and Initiatives

PlanAdapt is involved in a multitude of projects and initiatives around the globe that help to foster effective, economically just and socially inclusive climate change adaptation and climate risk management. Find more information about some of them here:

Beyond Data Provision – Facilitating Geospatial Data Use for Climate Resilience

The enhanced use of geospatial data is an uncontested pillar of a more climate-resilient future in the 21st century. Facilitating geospatial data use during OGC Innovation Days  ... Learn more

Developing MEL Framework for Climate Finance Capacities in Cameroon

What capacity is required to access finance for locally-led and gender-responsive climate change adaptation at sub-national level? PlanAdapt collaborated with ICLEI Africa  ... Learn more

Financing Locally Led Adaptation – Putting the Right Mechanisms In Place

Even though climate finance has significantly increased over the last decade, there is a strong recognition of the fact that very few local and sub-national institutions have direct access ... Learn more

Adaptation Networks as Collaborative Spaces and Ways to Influence Policy

PlanAdapt worked with UNEP's Global Adaptation Network team to explore innovative and forward-looking ways to design and structure climate adaptation networks  ... Learn more

Supporting a Global Community of Climate Researchers - CLARE CS Hub

PlanAdapt supports a global community of adaptation  researchers and users of research findings to enhance climate adaptation strategies and policies and impactful adaptation ... Learn more

Use of Earth Observations in Decision-Making for Land Degradation Neutrality

PlanAdapt supports the ‘Geospatial Data for Development – Supporting the Land Degradation Neutrality Initiative of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO-LDN Initiative)’ by ... Learn more

Enhancing the Potential of Small and Medium Entreprises to Innovate for Adaptation

In 2023, PlanAdapt works with EIT Climate-KIC to create case studies on adaptation-focused businesses participating in the Pan-African Adaptation and Resilience ClimAccelerator  ... Learn more

Boosting Impact of Climate Research Through Effective Knowledge Brokering

In 2023 and 2024, PlanAdapt collaborates with ACU and British Council to provide knowledge broker intelligence and practical guidance as part of  the Commonwealth Futures Climate ... Learn more

Helping to Shape the Mindsets of the Next Generation of Women Climate Leaders

PlanAdapt supports Women4Climate by designing and delivering a regional training session to participants in South Asia (more specifically Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru) ... Learn more

Harnessing the Power of Data for Climate Resilience Through Peer Learning

A team of PlanAdapt Fellows has been selected to participate in a peer learning network composed of organisations that are working to collect, share and use data for climate resilience ... Learn more

Supporting the Development of Lebanon’s National Adaptation Plan Process

In 2023, PlanAdapt supports the consultative process that will pave the way for the design of Lebanon’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and NAP implementation roadmap ... Learn more

Training Course – Theory and Practice of Climate Adaptation in High Mountain Areas

In June 2022, PlanAdapt delivered together with EURAC, UNU and GLOMOS  a training focused on climate change adaptation strategies for soil and water management in high mountains ... Learn more

Making The Case for Flood Resilience – Just Anticipating or Insuring Is Not Enough

Flooding is one of the most disastrous natural disasters, having huge impacts on lives and assets. This is only going to get worse with increases  in population, urbanisation, ... Learn more

Scaling Impact: Evaluating Scalability in the Adaptation Fund’s Portfolio

The scaling up of adaptation projects, programmes, and ambitions has been widely recognised as an essential part of tackling climate change and the devastating impacts it is causing or exacerbating ... Learn more

Socially Just and Adaptive Community Spaces in Poor Urban Settlements

How are the livelihoods and health of the urban poor in the Global South affected when climate-induced risks intersect with unprecedented urbanisation? In short, the implications are immense  ... Learn more

Integrating Climate Risks in Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' Work

Climate change impacts are exacerbating existing vulnerabilities, such as poverty, inequality and food security. Climate-related hazards, like more intense rainfall, heatwaves or droughts  ... Learn more

Evaluating and Enhancing Innovation in the Adaptation Fund’s Portfolio  

Variously defined (or undefined), innovation, in the climate adaptation space at least, has been widely accepted as a process vital for scaling up and accelerating global adaptation ... Learn more

Supporting Communities Forcibly Displaced by Climate-Induced Floods

Communities around Lake Baringo in the Rift Valley of Kenya are increasingly exposed to flooding, contributing to their displacement and loss of livelihoods. PlanAdapt collaborates ... Learn more

Integrating Climate Risks in Water Infrastructure Planning in the Nile Basin

In the past years, the Nile Basin Initiative has invested resources to build capacity of project managers, planners and designers in integrating climate risk considerations into the different ... Learn more

Private Finance and Investment for Climate-Smart Technologies in Agriculture

PlanAdapt, in collaboration with CABI,  explores the role of private finance and investment in the promotion of climate-smart technologies in agricultural sectors of Africa and Asia ... Learn more 

Making the Case for Action-Oriented Research on Climate Adaptation

Launched in January 2021, as part of the UK COP26 Presidency Adaptation & Resilience campaign, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), along with its partners  ... Learn more

Making Sense of the Vast Global Landscape of Climate Finance

Climate finance is central to developing climate resilience and pursuing a just transition to low-carbon economies in the face of climate change. The vast range of climate finance initiatives ... Learn more 

Integrating Climate Justice in Advocacy for Gender and Youth

When climate change is understood as an issue that both reflects and perpetuates injustices, it can illuminate the power asymmetries between those who suffer most from climate impacts ... Learn more

Ecosystem-Based Flood Risk Management - A Lasting Solution to Perennial Flooding

Urban floods are becoming more common as a result of increasing urbanisation, climate change, and poor urban planning. Supported by CDKN, five municipalities in Accra, Ghana, are working ... Learn more

Stormwater Management through Green Infrastructure for Climate Smart Cities

In early 2021, PlanAdapt supported the Climate Smart Cities project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU), the Indian Ministry of Housing and Urban ... Learn more 

Improving the Transboundary Management of Water, Energy and Food in the Niger Basin

PlanAdapt supports GIZ, IWMI, Wetlands International, IUCN and multiple local partners in designing a large-scale programme promoting the climate-water-nexus and integrated water ... Learn more

Managing the Potential of Soil Carbon to Achieve Impact at Scale

Healthy soils are vital for our environment. They hold benefits for food security and biodiversity, as well as mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and help to adapt to the adverse impacts ... Learn more

People, Nature and Climate Change - Protect, Restore and Fund Nature in Cities

Ecosystem services (supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural) are central to human existence, yet they are increasingly threatened by human actions in the water, on the ground ... Learn more

Near-Term Climate Impacts with Significant Economic Risks for the EU Economy

Would the Next Major Crisis Hold Also ‘Opportunities’ for Transformational Change in Europe’s Economy? And What Role Do Climate Impacts Play in This?  PlanAdapt explores ... Learn more

Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Nature-based Solutions for Vietnamese Coastal Cities

In collaboration with GIZ, PlanAdapt, working through NIRAS-IP, supports the Government of Vietnam at national, provincial and municipal levels to analyse and assess potential  ... Learn more

Enhancing Capacity Development Services to Countries at Risk of Disasters

In 2019 and 2020, PlanAdapt collaborates with the Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI), a global partnership composed of 17 UN and non-UN ... Learn more

Learning From Climate Action and Valuing Practitioners' Views in Cambodia

The Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) operates a grant facility funding climate change adaptation and mitigation projects in the field. One of the  ... Learn more

A Critical Learning Journey from Theory to Real-World Solutions in Climate Adaptation

In August 2019, PlanAdapt, in collaboration with Humboldt University Berlin,  offers a two-week training course focusing on the latest knowledge in adaptation science, practice ... Learn more

Central Asia - Shaping the Mindsets of Future Leaders in Climate Change Adaptation

Until the end of 2019, PlanAdapt, in collaboration with Adelphi and GIZ, supports the integration of sustainable land use and climate change aspects into the Central Asian ... Learn more

Morocco's National Adaptation Plan - Moving from Planning to Action

The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process in Morocco started in 2016 and is approaching an essential milestone.  While the institutional set-up has been in place ... Learn more

Financing Climate Change Action in a Country That is at the Doorstep of the EU

From 2016 to 2018, PlanAdapt worked with Albania’s Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Ministry of Infrastructure, in collaboration with GIZ, to support the  ... Learn more

Innovative Financing For Ecosystem Management in Africa

The nature of goods or capital normally addressed under the umbrella of ecosystem management and services poses a critical problem regarding their capability ... Learn more

Adapting to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector in Thailand

In 2017, PlanAdapt supported the Thai Government in building capacities for the application of appraisal and prioritisation techniques for climate change adaptation ... Learn more

The Political Economy of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh

It is a fairly uncontested view that Bangladesh is at the frontline of the impacts of climate change. Consequently, the Bangladeshi  Government and international climate funds allocate ... Learn more

Integrating Climate Risk Management Across the Public Sector in Cambodia

In 2016, PlanAdapt supported the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with GIZ ... Learn more

Brokering Knowledge in a Way That Scientific Findings Are Considered in Policy-Making

In 2016, PlanAdapt supported the Secretariat of the UNCCD in its efforts to reach out to relevant scientific knowledge providers and brokers. PlanAdapt helped to develop ... Learn more

Knowledge to Shape the Future – Investing in the Next Generation

In 2015, PlanAdapt was invited to join an accreditation panel that inspected and verified the design of the two-year dual degree study programme that has  ... Learn more