What Does Climate Justice Mean for Youth and Women Right’s Organisations in Africa, Middle East and Latin America? (Part 1)

What Does Climate Justice Mean for Youth and Women Right’s Organisations in Africa, Middle East and Latin America? (Part 1) Climate justice is at the center of many organisation’s programming and approaches these days. However, there is still widespread uncertainty about how to integrate climate justice-related objectives and principles into programming and advocacy work.  As Read More

Meaningful Participation in Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation – How Can it Work?

Meaningful Participation in Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation – How Can it Work? by Rachel Nisbet (International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA)), Heidi Tuhkanen (Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)), Alannah Hofemeier (PlanAdapt) Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) describes methods of ‘working with nature’ to produce goods and services that reduce human and ecosystem vulnerability to climate change. For a project to Read More

Climate Justice, Knowledge Brokering and Capacity Development – How Does That Fit Together?  

Climate Justice, Knowledge Brokering and Capacity Development – How Does That Fit Together? At the Second Gobeshona Global Conference, PlanAdapt hosted a networking session on the topic of Climate Justice, Knowledge Brokering, and Capacity Development.   The session began with an introduction to PlanAdapt and how we work in knowledge brokering and promoting climate justice. Our Managing Director, Read More