Mohammed Mofizur Rahman

Mofiz is a PlanAdapt Fellow, operating between Potsdam, Germany and Dhaka, Bangladesh.

He is a Bangladesh-born Environmental Scientist and an educator. He currently works as a Scientist at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany and a guest researcher at International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Bangladesh. Before he joined PlanAdapt, he was an Alexander von Humboldt International Climate Protection Fellow. He also serves Future Earth Coast as an honorary Fellow ( 2020-25). His research interest ranges from Ocean acidification, Ocean based CO2 removal, Ecosystem service assessment and ecosystem restoration, Salinization in the river deltas, Climate change adaptation, Loss and damage, Nature-based solutions and Solar radiation management governance. I have published my research on some high-impact journals. I intend to bring research to policy as well as bring field research into the classroom to educate the new generation. I am using trans-disciplinary methodologies and combining natural and social science disciplines.

He studied Biodiversity, Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development.